Thursday, August 10, 2006

Entry for August 9, 2006

Not yet a week since my son and myself returned from our holiday to my home-country, Hrvatska (Croatia). We are still very tanned which is starting to look rediculous as the clouds are threatening to stay around for quite a few more days.
Garden was terrible, have weeded a lot in the last few days, but had to stop once I filled our green waste bin. Ridicoulos system in our village, it gets picked up every two weeks, alternating with regular wast pick-up.
Still haven't done any crocheting. Was not able to do much in Hrvatska either. Beginning of June was still cold and rainy but since I spent it in my home city, it was fine. As it turned better we moved to our vacation house on Adriatic and stayed there till the end of July. The only drawback of nice weather was the fact that my crochet time was reduced to nil. But, what a nice vacation it was. Even my husband enjoyed it and managed to keep his hair dry for three weeks. Real dutch men don't get their hair wet in salty water, says he. I'm working on my son to dispute this fact.
Oh, yes, I also managed to buy some fabulous yarn in Hrvatska. There is a local factory, Unitas and of course I got supplies for the next few months. Got wonderful yarn for Garn Studio Drop Design 60-14 and tablecloth named Salt air by DMC. Pattern for the free project is free to be downloaded, for the second I have purchased a flyer in one small YS in Belgium, just over the border. That was a nice excursion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Real dutch men don't get their hair wet in salty water, says he

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Hier heb ik nog nooit van gehoord!

Ps Leuk dat je ook een weblog hebt! Wist ik niet.