Sunday, September 17, 2006

My first yarn splurge (Aug 17, 2006)

Decided I can not wait any longer and have to start knitting. Immediately. So I biked to the marked in the neighbouring village with decision to give the yarn stand a try. It turned out all the yarn was light and nothing in the weight I needed for the men's scarf (for size 8mm needles). The seller mentioned how his yarn is appropriate for the season. I know his answer was honest but from a sales point of view didn't make to much sense.

Not only is August turning to be the wetest for as long as it has been recorded (and among the coldest) but the summer is slowly drifting away. Does he believe winter sweaters will be made only in winter and not a season before?

Anyway, couldn't contain myself so I sat in the car later in the day and drove to a store in another village. They had stock clearance so not only did I buy the scarf yarn but also very nice yarn for what I envision as nice summer tops. I just succumbed just like all my fellow crocheters in the groups I belong. At least I know it is "normal" to have this type of an urge.

And, I just realized, I have found my favorite LYS in Netherlands.

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